Certified Prevention Specialist CPS Practice Exam

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How do media campaigns dealing with prevention techniques primarily affect audiences?

Educating the public

Increasing problem awareness

Media campaigns focusing on prevention techniques primarily aim to increase problem awareness among the audience. These campaigns communicate important information about risks, behaviors, and the consequences associated with certain issues, effectively guiding the public to recognize the seriousness of those problems. By highlighting the existence and implications of risky behaviors, these campaigns can lead to greater understanding and concern about specific issues, which is essential for laying the groundwork for any further action. While educating the public also plays a significant role in media campaigns, the primary effect tends to center around enhancing awareness of the problem itself. Changing attitudes and behaviors are important, but these outcomes usually follow after the initial awareness and recognition of the problem have been established. Thus, increasing problem awareness stands out as a key objective of these campaigns, acting as a critical first step toward more profound changes in attitudes and behaviors.

Changing attitudes toward the behavior

Changing the behavior


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